Saturday, June 21, 2008

but... I'm not a blogger... remember?

OMG - Cen has deemed me blogger'ish enough to put on her blog roll. And I notice Dyami has had me on his update list for a while now. I've been blogging for what.. less than a week (14 hours away from my one week anniversary of posting!).

Oh, and I figured out how to linky to other people's pages. So of course I had to go back and edit my previous posts.

I admit, I got further than my original estimation of three posts. And I am enjoying myself. But, my stuff is pretty random, and I still suspect my postings will taper off. I'm mainly throwing stuff out there cause I know that it's more fun to go back to someone's page who's been commenting on posts if they update their own. So if people track back from one of my comments on someone else's blog, at least there's something here. Even if it's junk blogging LOL. I still stand by my original warning that this 'blog' will be boring though.


C said...

Happy 1 week bloggerversary LOL

Nikki Zenovka said...

bwuahahaha - thanks Cen... where's my party/cake/pressies? lol

actually, I did get a nice present last night (no, not *that* kind, sheesh)!

Note how I've made it a week and fallen off the wagon - not a single post for over 24 hours now LMAO