The reason is simple.
I have a bazillion friends who don't know I even exist.
I started out my blog-reading days with the freebie blogs. One day, a new one arrived on the scene.
Alicia's blog started out with her showing us how she survived in SL on only 5L per day. Ergo, more freebie posts - yay! I added her blog as one I read regularly, and watched her progress to the place where she was blogging more about her life in SL, and the fun things and people she encountered there. Soon, she had a ton of other blogs she was linking to, and friends commenting on her blog which lead me to blogs of their own.
So, now I'm reading everyone's blog, but they don't know that I am. I started feeling like a peeping Tom, as I got to "know" these people, while they had no idea I was "watching" them.
A week or so ago, I ran into CeNedra at the Surfline sim. I recognized her at the time I wandered in, but stayed silent until she wondered aloud about at item we were both looking for. So, now.. I have to answer, or ignore. I can't ignore - not in my nature - and I "knew" Cen from
her blog and some of her thoughtful comments I've seen on other blogs, and knew she was cool. We struck up a very nice conversation, and she slid me the landmark to the Viper Pit for their Get Humped parties. The next one was to be her birthday party. I thought long and hard about going. Not that she was expecting me, but everyone's blog posts all seemed to be full of how much fun the parties are - and I don't doubt it, cause I *know* the people who attend, right?
But... these people don't know *me*. They don't know I exist. And as I noted every blogger in their social circle talk about the upcoming party.. I realized, I'm not one of them, and these parties have become "blogger" parties. People even commented several times about looking forward to meeting another blogger LOL. They knew each other - it was a two way knowledge. How the heck do I show up at such a party and have everyone go... "who?". At some point during the evening of Cen's birthday party, I took a peek at the map. 36 people on the sim, only two of which were *not* in that giant grouping in the far corner of the sim. Yeah, no way was I wandering into that group when I wasn't just a stranger, I was a lurker.. a voyeur *shudder*. And by showing up, I'd be outing myself as such.
So, I'm outing myself now. I have no idea if I'll ever show at one of those parties, but that's not the point. The point is, I need to stop feeling like I'm peeking in windows without people's knowledge. So, I may leave comments in some people's blogs from time to time, and if they want, they can track back here, and know that I exist. I might still be peeking in their windows, but at least they have fair warning now and I can stop feeling so pervy :D.
And that is why this non-blogger.. blogged.
* footynote time.. I know that I do not "know" any of the people who's blogs I read. But after a while, one feels kinda like you do. And, really, I do know some of you a lil bit. Your personalities, likes, dislikes, interests and heart show in your posts, and in your comments on other people's blogs. So, sorry.. I do, kinda, know you, just a lil bit. But, to assured, I'm not delusional about it :P