Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I have some decisions to make, and I've been contemplating them for some time now. What makes it difficult is that I'll miss much of it (including some of the people) if I let it go - but does the good outweigh the bad? (or vice versa)...

In the meantime, I've kind of lost my heart for blogging, and while I'm reading many of your blogs, and my thoughts are with some of you as I read your posts, it is very rarely that I even bring myself to comment - even when I really want to send thoughts your way, I feel too blah to actually do it.

Maybe I just need to do something crazy. Maybe I need to stop taking some things so seriously, and shrug off the stuff that bothers me, because really, it's not my stuff to get bothered about.

I don't know. If you've recently posted something comment worthy and I didn't comment, it's not that I don't care or haven't thought of you. I just feel so blah. But it is what it is. We'll see where things go from here.


Sehra Kauffman said...

Too bad about the blahs! :(

Nikki Zenovka said...

Thanks Sehra. Hopefully I come to a positive conclusion and put them behind me soon :)

M said...

*glomps Nikki*

Hope the blah's stop for you soon hon. ;)

Nikki Zenovka said...

oooooh a glomp - those always help!

thanks Meara :)