Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My very first 'nice blog' IM!

Ok, so it doesn't really count, as it came from an old friend of mine, but it was still fun to get an IM this evening from someone who found my blog and wanted to let me know he enjoyed it! *waves to F*

It was a total surprise, as I don't advertise my blog, and I hardly write compelling stories for one to stumble across me with a google search. I don't have trackers on the blog as I don't expect to have any traffic to track. At best I expect a few people who see the updates on some of the Ch'know girls' blog rolls might peek in.

So it was very nice to hear from him, and very nice to hear he actually likes the blog and my writing. I still hold that I'm not much of a blogger, and I do ramble more than anything, but it was nice boost to hear a compliment about it.

So, thank you my friend. And I do mean what I said about keeping in better touch!

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