Sunday, August 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Part 2

It's been a while since I've posted (except for my 4:00 am. post), and even longer since I put up any pictures!

So, with blogger being a bit more cooperative, I expand on my Happy Birthday Ghilt post.

Date in Costa Rica:

Catching a hotair balloon ride...

and later, a hovercraft...

Using on of his gifts, on our date in Costa Rica (not the scuba gear, but the swim HUD - which is a lot of fun, even if not 100% geared to scuba):

and after making sure he enjoyed riding horseback..

I finally bought my cowboy a horse!

(yes, we did more, but we didn't get pictures.. lol)


Anonymous said...

*smiles* The fun never stops :) Too bad though that we didn't get a picture of the shark that killed us... lol.

Nikki Zenovka said...

hmmm, well... i was going to leave our deaths out of the story, but..

if you hadn't have got killed *inside* the shark cage, you could have snapped a pic and I could have posted it lol